Kamis, 16 April 2009



2. Coelenterata
3. EAvertebratas are divided into 8 groups, they are:
1. Porifera
4. Mollusca
5. Platyhelminthes
6. Nemathelminthes
7. Annelida
8. Arthropoda

The characteristics of porifera :
1. The body consist of many cells
2. On the entire of their body surface there are pores.
3. Commonly live in the sea
4. Have a skeleton made of calc substance
5. Reproduce vegetatively by bud and generatively by the union of egg cell and sperm to form a zygote
Poriferas are divided into 3 Classes, they are :
1. Calcarea, examples : Schyra Grantia
2. Hexactinallidae, examples : Aspergillum, Hyalonema.
3. Demospongia, examples : Spongila dan Halicondria

The characteristics of coelenterata :
1. The body shape is like a tube or hollow bag.
2. The part of up body have Ostium (mouth bone) that tentacle riveting.
3. Every tentacle contains cnidobast cells and every knidobast contains a thorny filament, the tentacle contain poison called nematocyte which causes itching and is used for defense and catching preys.
4. Commonly live in the sea water.
5. They breath with the entire body surface.
6. Some are polypous and some are medusa
7. Vegetative reproduction is done by bud and generative reproduction is by the union of egg cell with spermatozoid cell.
The examples of coelenterata:
1. Hydra.
2. Jelly fish (Aurelia aurita.
3. Sea anemone.

4. Coral animals.
5. Akar bahar.
The characteristics of echinodermata :
1. The body has an inner skeleton which is composed of plates of calc and covered by skin that has spines
2. Moving by ambulacral legs
3. Reproduce sexually
4. Breath by using gills. The gills are spread in the entire body surface
5. Have high generation power.
ECHINODERMATAS are grouped into 5 classes, they are:
1. Asteroidea ( Starfish )
2. Ophiuroidea ( Basket stars )
3. Echinoidea ( Sea urchins )
4. Crynoidea ( Sea lily )
5. Holothuroidea ( Sea cucumber )

The characteristics of mollusca :
1. Their body is soft and has a lot of mocus gland so its body is mocus.
2. The body is not segmented.
3. The body is commonly protected by shell which is made calc substance
Based on moving organ, Molluscas are divided into 3 classes, they are :
1. Gastropoda ( Siput-siputan )
2. Cephalopoda ( Cumi-cumi )
3. Pelecypoda ( Kerang-kerangan )
The characteristics of platyhelminthes :
1. The body is flat
2. They are commonly hermaphroditic
3. Have no blood circulation and respiration system.
4. Commonly live as parasites

Platyhelminthes are divided into 3 classes, they are:
1. Turbellaria ( Worms with vibrating hair ), example : Planaria
2. Trematoda ( Sucking worms ), example: Fasciola hepatica ( liver worms )
3. Cestoda ( Tapeworms )
Contoh : a. Cow tapeworms ( Taenia saginata )
b. Pig tapeworms ( Taenia solium )
c. Dog tapeworms ( Echinococcus granulosus )

The characteristics of nemathelminthes :
1. The body is round, long (cylindrical) and the ends are sharp
2. The body is bilaterally symmetrical and has no segment.
3. The mouth is found in the anterior part and the anus is found in the posterior part of the body.
The examples of Nemathelminthes, such as :
1. Stomach worms ( Ascaris lumbricoides )
2. Hookworms ( Ancylostoma duodenale )
The worms suck human blood so they cause anemia.
3. Cremi worms ( Oxyuris vermicularis )
They cause itching around the anus
4. Elephant foot worms ( Filaria branchofti )

The characteristics of annelida :
1. The body is round and long, consist of ring (bracelet) which are connected to one another
2. The body wall consist of three layers ( Triploblastik ), they are :
1. Eksoderm
2. Mesoderm
3. Endoderm.
4. The front part is tapering and have no eye
5. At the front end of the body there is a mouth, while at the back end there is an anus.
Annelida are divided into 3 classes, they are :
1. Polychaeta ( Worms with a a lot of hair ).
Examples : Wawo worm and Palolo worm

2. Oligochaeta ( Worms with a little hair ).
Examples : Erath worms ( Lumbricus terrestris )
Tubifex worms, have red colour and they are usually used as fish feed
3. Hirudinae ( Blood sucker worm).
Example : Leech ( Hirudo medicinalis )

The characteristics of arthropoda :
1. The body is segmented
2. Their body are hard and composed of chitin substance and this body skin is the outer skeleton ( eksoskeleton )
3. Have a pair os antenna
4. Some arthropods have facet
5. The body consists of head, chest, and stomach
6. The body is bilaterally symmetrical
7. Open blood circulation system
8. The nerve system is string ladder type

Based on their structure of body, Arthropods are distinguished into 4 classes as follows :
1. Insecta / Hexapoda ( Insect )
2. Crustacea ( Family of shrimp )
3. Arachnoidea ( Family of spider )
4. Myriapoda ( Family of centipedes )

Divided into 3 parts
Divided into 2 parts
Divided into 2 parts
Divided into many segments
3 pairs
5 pairs
4 pairs
Many pairs
2 pairs
Vision clearly
Vision clearly
3 segments
United with the head
United with the head

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