Kamis, 16 April 2009



Ecosystem is :
v The surrounding where organisms make two directional relationship or interaction.
v Reciprocal relationship between living organisms and their surrounding.

The branch of science that studies reciprocal relationship between living organisms and their surrounding is called ECOLOGY

Unit of Organisms
The hierarchy of organisms from the simplest ( lower ) to the most complex ( highest ) are :
Individual Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere

Is the name for a single organisms
Examples :
a. A grasshopper
b. An ant
c. A bar of mango
d. A kid, etc

Is all individuals of the same kind that occupy a certain region / place.
Population Density is the number of population per unit area.
The change of organisms population density in a region is influenced by the following factors:
1. Natality
2. Mortality
3. Immigration
4. Immigration.

Is all of the population, which occupy the same region / place.

Is Reciprocal relationship between living organisms and their surrounding.

Based on the history their formations, ecosystem distinguished into 3, are as follows:
1. Natural Ecosystem
Is an ecosystem which is formed naturally without human intervention.

Examples :
a. Desert ecosystem
b. Forest
c. Mountain

2. Artificial Ecosystem
Is an ecosystem which is made on purpose by humans

Examples :
a. Pool / pond c. Rice field
b. Lake d. Aquarium

3. Succession Ecosystem.
Is an ecosystem which is the product of environment succession which is preceded by damage.

Is a collection of ecosystem which found on earth surface.

Constituent component of ecosystem consist of :
A. Biotic Component
B. Abiotic component.

A. Biotic Component is an ecosystem component which consist of organisms ( animals, plants, human ).

Every organism has certain position, task or function is called NICHE

Based on their niche, organisms are distinguished into 3, are as follows :
· Organisms which are able to produce organic materials
· Organisms which are able to produce food substance through photosynthesis process.
Examples : Mosses, Algae and Green plants.

· Organisms which cannot produce their own food substance.
· They used food substance made by another organisms
Examples : All animal and plants which have no chlorophyll.

· The kinds of Consumer based on their food :
1. Herbivore is Plant eating animal.
Examples : grasshopper, rabbit, buffalo, goat

2. Carnivore is Meat eating animal
Examples : cat, tiger, dog

3. Omnivore is all eating animal.
· Examples : humans, mouse.

· The kinds of Consumer based on their level :
1. The first level consumer is consumer which directly take their food from green plant.

2. The second level consumer is consumer which eating the first level consumer.

3. The third level consumer is consumer which eating the second level consumer

4. The Peak Consumer is the final consumer or consumer which no other animal that eat it.

Decomposers are the biotic component that have function to decompose organic matter coming from dead organisms or the discharge of digestion residue.

Examples : Decomposing bacteria and Fungi
The product of decomposer are used by producer.

ABiotic Component is an ecosystem component which consist of dead bodies.
· Abiotic Component consist of :
1. Soil
2. water
3. air
4. Temperature
5. Sunlight
6. Climate.

· The Abiotic Components will be explained in detail below.
Ø All lives depend on the soil, whether directly or indirectly
Ø The fertile soil that is the soil which is rich in nutrients and the water content is enough.
Ø Soil fertility very much determines the kinds of plants above it, and then the kinds of plants determine the kind of animals.

Ø Every organisms needs water
Ø 90% of the body of an organisms is composed water.
Ø Water has a function as solvent and raw material for the process inside body.

3. AIR.
Ø All organisms needs air
Ø Plants always bond CO2 from the air which is very important in photosynthesis process.
Ø O2 which functions in oxidation is also taken from the air.

Ø Every organisms needs a certain environment temperature.
Ø Only organisms which are able to adapt to their environment can survive and develop well.

Ø Every organisms needs sunlight.
Ø Sunlight is the energy source in the ecosystem.
Ø Sunlight is required by plants to perform photosynthesis process.

Ø Climate is the average of weather condition in a certain time period

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